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Your go-to ecbolic and uterine tonic. Premium quality ayurvedic product for any kind of reproductive issues in goats.


Just after kidding
To facilitate expulsion of retained placenta.
As a prophylactic after parturition for secretion of lochia, timely involution of uterus
and post – partum oestrus
For treatment of metritis, endometritis and pyometra.
For treatment of post-partum anoestrus and repeat breeding.
To restore milk production associated with uterine disorders.


  • Ensures timely expulsion of placenta
  • Ensures thorough cleansing of uterus post parturition
  • Ensures timely oestrus and conception


30-40ml 2 times daily for 5 days
In retained placenta cases 100ml every three hours followed by 40ml twice daily for 5 days