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LIVOFEROL Oral supplement

This supplement is a best liver and rumen supportive during any microbial or viral diseases and after de-worming.

We use it every time during a crisis and antimicrobial treatment along with Brotone.


Calcium lactate                  300mg

Ferrous gluconate            200mg

Liver fraction 2                  150mg

Ferrous chloride                80mg

Thiamine HCl                         5mg

Riboflavin                               5mg

Nicotinic acid                      20mg

Nicotinamide                     45mg

Calcium lactate                  300mg


Helpful in management of non-specific anorexia, anemia and liver disorders.

As a supportive after antimicrobial, anthelmintic and anti-protozoal treatments.


Sheep and goat: 30-40ml daily for 7-10 days during crisis and after de-worming.